
Private aviation is the part of civilaviation that does not include flying for hire. In most countries, privateflights are always general aviation flights, but the opposite is not true: manygeneral aviation flights (such as banner towing, charter, crop dusting, andothers) are commercial in that the pilot is hired and paid. Many private pilotsfly for their own enjoyment, or to share the joys and convenience of generalaviation with friends and family.

It is the purpose of the flight, not theaircraft or pilot, that determines whether the flight is private.[3] Forexample, if a commercially licensed pilot flies a registered plane to visit afriend or attend a business meeting, most countries would consider this to be aprivate flight. Conversely, a private pilot could legally fly a multi-enginecomplex aircraft carrying numerous passengers for non-commercial purposes (nocompensation paid to the pilot, and a pro rata or larger portion of theaircraft operating expenses paid by the pilot).


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Private aviation

In many countries, private aviationoperates to less strict standards than commercial aviation. For example, inCanada and the United States, aircraft owners are allowed to perform basicmaintenance tasks (such as oil or tire changes) on their own aircraft, but onlylicensed mechanics may perform those tasks on aircraft used for commercialoperations.[2] Private pilots normally are not required to demonstrate the samelevel of proficiency on their flight tests and take fewer and less rigorousmedical examinations, than are required for Commercial pilots who are paid foroperating an aircraft. The majority of active pilots hold a Private Pilotlicense,LV M56704 SPEEDY 30手袋 手提包 小花布系列 LV包包價格、目錄、型錄、新款 官方網站旗艦店.

In private flight the pilot is not paid,and all aircraft operating expenses are generally paid by the pilot. In somecountries such as the United States, aircraft operating expenses for a flightmay optionally be divided with any passengers up to a pro rata amount.[1] Forexample, if aircraft operating expenses total $120 for a flight with pilot andthree passengers, each of the three passengers could pay not more than $30 (onefourth) of the expenses with the remainder paid by the pilot.

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